Winter Gardens Illuminate project 24/25 Working with local communities cutting samples and creating soundscapes

Talk at Collusion event at Dance east about my use of technology and drums to discuss decolonialisation
7000 Eichen Joseph Beuys Foundation project working with a school in Kings Lynn on the planting of trees through sound, sculpture and mark making
Bollards project Halesworth Suffolk
Summer project artists delving into structures
Working with Dawny Christein and Lowestoft sixth form through a 3 part decolonialisation exploration
Brave art artist developing printing skills
Global Rhythms Festival Ipswoch 24 Drawing from soundscapes
Sainsburys Centre UEA exploring contemporary issues in Sports BA workshop
Hotspot Norfolk and Norwich Festivals creative schools project, celebrating a graveyard through sound.
Suffolk Artlink’s Brave art project- Developing methods of exploration with an incredible group of practitioners through this incredible charity that has a rich history in developing projects in marginalised communities.
Working with Norfolk and Norwich Festivals on the Hotspot project. I was able to work with pupils and staff at Grove Primary to celebrate a local graveyard. We did this through sound, words, programming and instrument building. Pupils used Scratch, MAkeyMAkey, Garageband and a variety of microphones. Below are some of what has been a working result.
There are no upcoming events at this time.